Pillows & Prayers 1&2.
Cherry red 2xCD.2000.
From Brussels With Love.
Crepescule CD/LP/MC 1980
Haystack (Kevin Hewick
& New Order).
Havock Junction.
Sorted CD.2001.
Somehows Somehow.
All Sewn Up
Patrik Fitzgerald tribute album. Crispin Glover Records. 2009
Personal Loss
Ambition Vol.2
Cherry Red CD. 1991.
Suction Prints.
Sorted CD. 2000.
The Lost Childhood.
Sorted 7" EP. 1996.
(+ John Sims, Moon Equipped, Slinky)
Drowned Dream Wreckage
Instrumentally Yours.
Richmond CD. 1998.
Tender Bruises & Scars
The Eyes Of Barbara Steele.
Cherry Red LP. 1983.
Feathering The Nest
Petals And Flowers.
Sorted CD. 2006 Complilation of 7-inch aingle tracks.
Drowned Dream Wreckage
compilations (a selection)
Abuse: Artist For Animals
Abuse LP. 1985
The Carthorse.
Teenbeat Sampler 2003.
Teenbeat CD. 2003.
Northern Lights
1981 Audio-Magazine Cassette
Mother's Day
(Kevin recites and comments)
Benefit CD.2004.
Charles Darwin Blues.
Whispers From The Offing.
Kevin Coyne tribute album. 2007.
Raindrops On The Window
A Taste Of Pink Box
Pink Box CD. 2009.
I'll Give You My Heart, I'll Give You My Heart: The Cherry Red Singles Collection 1978-83
Feathering The Nest
The Tall Man At The Back.
Tom Westmoreland tribute album. 2007.
Brother T